Schedule - Day 2

8:30 Breakfast & Registration 30 mins
9:00 Lightning Talks 1 hour
10:00 Morning Keynote
Françoise Provencher
1 hour
11:00 Innovating in unusual places
Concert Hall
Sarah Sun
25 mins
Operator overloading: you're doing it wrong
Sky Room
Greg Ward
25 mins
PySpark: avoiding common pitfalls and keeping your sanity
PyData Track (Round Room)
Jonathan Rioux
25 mins
Python & Kubernetes a match made in the cloud
Tutorial (Clipper Room)
Jamon Camisso
1 hour 30 minutes
11:40 Making multiple inheritance not work
Concert Hall
Andy Fundinger
25 mins
Introduction to asynchronous programming
Sky Room
Juti Noppornpitak
25 mins
Feature engineering: an apprentice’s guide to the dark art” of machine learning
PyData Track (Round Room)
Deborah Diller Harris
25 mins
12:20 Fun with compilers: exploring languages one Python at a time
Concert Hall
Peter McCormick
25 mins
Put Your Data in a Box
Sky Room
Josh Reed
25 mins
Energy indicators and Jupyter Notebooks at the Canada Energy Regulator
PyData Track (Round Room)
Margaret Skwara and Janna Rodioukova
25 mins
12:45 Lunch 1 hour
13:45 Afternoon Keynote
William Lachance
1 hour
14:45 Python is a weirdo
Concert Hall
Carol Chen
25 mins
K8's for Python Projects
Sky Room
Niall Byrne
25 mins
Gimme Shelter: Using Python to Find an Apartment in Toronto
PyData Track (Round Room)
Ian Whitestone
25 mins
A need for speed: accelerating your math with vectorization and Numpy
Tutorial Room
Kyle Kotowick, Ph.D.
55 mins
15:25 The blameless post mortem: how embracing failure makes us better
Concert Hall
Chris Wilcox
25 mins
Python table manners: a clean style
Sky Room
Wei Lee
25 mins
Data insights from linked data
PyData Track (Round Room)
Jordan Pedersen and Rachel Wang
25 mins
16:05 Pull requests: merging good practices into your project
Concert Hall
Luca Bezerra
25 mins
How to level up
Sky Room
Leta Montopoli
25 mins
Building a Python community from the bottom up
PyData Track (Round Room)
Lucas Durand
25 mins
Open Space
Tutorial (Clipper Room)
25 mins
16:45 Closing remarks 15 mins
17:00 Mingle time 50 mins